Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Dooars Tour

In the april of 2011 we got a three days leave in the midst of our busy schedule. And in no time we decided to have a trip to dooars. We had very small time and more over not a very good time to visit the forests and so we limited our tour to mainly Gorumara National Park and areas in and around it.
We started on 21st April by Kanchankanya Express from Sealdah. At about 7.30 A.M on the next day we reached New Jalpaiguri. We booked our ticket upto New Mal Junction station. The rest of the one hour train journey is mesmerizing. The Siliguri-Alipurduar railway line leads from the forests of North Bengal to the foothills in the country of Bhutan. You can see the tea-gardens and splendid beauties of the forests directly from the train. We shall always remember the journey for ever. 

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